Coach Profiles – Jack Yu

Coach Profiles – Jack Yu

More than 10 years’ experience in table tennis training, served as a table tennis coach in CCTTA and Sunny Culture & Sports Center. Jack is a full-time coach at Sunny Culture & Sports Center. He was a Fuzhou city table tennis team member, won many awards in provincial and city open tournaments. He led his team to achieve first place two times in the Canadian university alumni games, won champion in Xiangqing Cup and top three in Panda Cup.


教练简介 – Jack Yu

10年乒乓球教练经验,曾执教加华球会(CCTTA) 和阳光文娱健身中心,现为阳光文娱健身中心专职教练。原福州市乒乓球代表队队员,多次获省市及行业公开赛名次,两届加拿大高校杯团体冠军成员兼队长教练,带队获得加拿大熊猫杯前三和乡情杯冠军。